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1408 Gourmet Deli is located in New York, NY. Driving Directions

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A deli is a store where ready-to-eat food products (such as sandwiches, cooked meats, and prepared salads) are sold.

1-3-5 Mile Ring Radius Report for New York, New York

Plotr's restaurant industry ring-radius report for 1408 Gourmet Deli provides restaurant location analytics and data insights using current population demographics, income & economic indicators, consumer spending, and other KPIs to support data-based investments. Reliable and trusted, this recent data is aggregated, combined, and forecasted within a 1, 3, and 5 mile radius of the restaurant site. Use this report for site selection, pricing, or other key investment decisions. About our methodology.

  1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile
Population 216,166 1,230,952 2,275,319
... 5 Year Forecast 214,570 ⬇︎ -0.7% 1,251,131 ⬆︎ 1.6% 2,298,370 ⬆︎ 1.0%
... 10 Year Forecast 214,346 ⬇︎ -0.8% 1,268,954 ⬆︎ 3.0% 2,323,200 ⬆︎ 2.1%
Household Income, Average $ 68,167 $ 70,156 $ 89,664
... 5 Year Forecast $ 76,907 ⬆︎ 11.4% $ 77,674 ⬆︎ 9.7% $ 99,524 ⬆︎ 9.9%
HHI by Households
   Under 10,000 8,622 50,325 83,844
   10,000 to 14,999 6,094 36,013 56,437
   15,000 to 19,999 4,353 27,155 44,732
   20,000 to 24,999 3,727 21,515 36,853
   25,000 to 29,999 3,447 20,861 35,822
   30,000 to 34,999 3,605 19,501 34,268
   35,000 to 39,999 3,038 18,400 31,915
   40,000 to 44,999 2,993 18,045 30,578
   45,000 to 49,999 2,522 16,638 29,342
   50,000 to 54,999 2,392 14,813 26,546
   55,000 to 59,999 2,695 14,872 27,061
   60,000 to 64,999 2,366 12,666 24,031
   65,000 to 69,999 2,290 12,393 23,758
   70,000 to 74,999 2,068 11,351 21,857
   75,000 to 79,999 2,044 10,795 20,746
   80,000 to 84,999 1,883 10,256 19,900
   85,000 to 89,999 1,551 9,095 17,841
   90,000 to 94,999 1,613 8,946 17,390
   95,000 to 99,999 1,474 8,080 15,978
   100,000 to 124,999 5,488 30,293 66,272
   125,000 to 149,999 3,982 20,615 45,604
   150,000 to 174,999 2,591 14,614 34,802
   175,000 to 199,999 1,469 9,663 26,996
   200,000 to 249,999 1,931 13,731 43,491
   250,000 to 499,999 825 5,861 18,610
   Over 500,000 690 4,892 15,514
   Asian 5,775 59,539 148,177
   Black 32,262 298,761 531,846
   Hispanic 145,744 707,577 1,104,858
   White 28,551 141,271 437,090
   Other 3,834 23,804 53,348
Education Attainment
   High school 31,143 200,663 360,980
   Some college 22,511 133,505 234,331
   College - Associates 8,884 53,965 99,300
   College - Professional 2,620 14,503 44,029
   College - Bachelors 26,465 132,639 281,132
   College - Masters 11,568 59,200 144,819
   College - Doctorate 1,916 9,150 25,224
Weekly Per Capita Expenditures, Household
   Dining out at restaurants, cafeterias, drive-ins, etc (exl. alcohol) 19.241 19.221 19.845
   Alcoholic Beverages at restaurants, cafeterias, drive-ins, etc 0.806 0.804 0.841
Business Density
   Restaurants and Other Eating Places (#7225) - - -
   Full-Service Restaurants (#722511) 334 1,477 3,584
   Limited-Service Restaurants (#722513) 111 568 1,314
   Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets (#722514) - - -
   Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars (#722515) 77 372 802

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