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Contra is located in New York, NY. Driving Directions

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Restaurants in New York, New York 10002 can offer different services. Call ahead to verify that the service is currently available.

American Food

Restaurants serving classic American dishes, including burgers, steaks, sandwiches, and regional specialties from different parts of the United States.

Fine Dining

Upscale restaurants that offer a luxurious dining experience, often characterized by high-quality ingredients, exquisite presentation, and attentive service.

1-3-5 Mile Ring Radius Report for New York, New York

Plotr's restaurant industry ring-radius report for Contra provides restaurant location analytics and data insights using current population demographics, income & economic indicators, consumer spending, and other KPIs to support data-based investments. Reliable and trusted, this recent data is aggregated, combined, and forecasted within a 1, 3, and 5 mile radius of the restaurant site. Use this report for site selection, pricing, or other key investment decisions. About our methodology.

  1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile
Population 252,262 1,184,090 2,853,167
... 5 Year Forecast 253,708 ⬆︎ 0.6% 1,249,424 ⬆︎ 5.2% 2,944,162 ⬆︎ 3.1%
... 10 Year Forecast 254,415 ⬆︎ 0.8% 1,288,342 ⬆︎ 8.1% 3,004,240 ⬆︎ 5.0%
Household Income, Average $ 149,330 $ 172,472 $ 149,196
... 5 Year Forecast $ 171,652 ⬆︎ 13.0% $ 200,895 ⬆︎ 14.1% $ 173,684 ⬆︎ 14.1%
HHI by Households
   Under 10,000 10,218 31,448 71,994
   10,000 to 14,999 6,716 18,598 44,649
   15,000 to 19,999 4,064 14,614 37,135
   20,000 to 24,999 4,297 14,294 37,487
   25,000 to 29,999 3,693 13,034 34,035
   30,000 to 34,999 3,732 13,686 34,387
   35,000 to 39,999 3,307 11,905 30,692
   40,000 to 44,999 2,679 11,785 31,715
   45,000 to 49,999 2,493 10,898 30,308
   50,000 to 54,999 2,282 9,710 28,047
   55,000 to 59,999 2,672 10,056 28,009
   60,000 to 64,999 2,674 10,661 28,700
   65,000 to 69,999 2,443 11,177 29,852
   70,000 to 74,999 2,231 10,362 27,771
   75,000 to 79,999 2,218 10,964 27,717
   80,000 to 84,999 2,241 11,117 27,889
   85,000 to 89,999 1,888 10,237 26,527
   90,000 to 94,999 1,877 9,991 25,187
   95,000 to 99,999 1,749 9,276 23,559
   100,000 to 124,999 8,809 46,438 112,225
   125,000 to 149,999 7,152 40,403 90,713
   150,000 to 174,999 6,546 41,188 85,119
   175,000 to 199,999 7,557 39,547 77,092
   200,000 to 249,999 12,912 85,987 152,102
   250,000 to 499,999 5,533 36,857 65,187
   Over 500,000 4,617 30,742 54,341
   Asian 69,813 187,279 359,478
   Black 14,814 107,865 457,540
   Hispanic 45,917 201,333 691,836
   White 114,296 648,544 1,257,795
   Other 7,422 39,069 86,518
Education Attainment
   High school 22,708 96,407 335,088
   Some college 14,015 69,738 204,327
   College - Associates 5,989 27,386 88,183
   College - Professional 8,446 53,192 107,821
   College - Bachelors 61,935 293,538 606,738
   College - Masters 24,993 156,809 328,746
   College - Doctorate 5,921 24,935 49,208
Weekly Per Capita Expenditures, Household
   Dining out at restaurants, cafeterias, drive-ins, etc (exl. alcohol) 21.399 23.150 22.847
   Alcoholic Beverages at restaurants, cafeterias, drive-ins, etc 0.926 1.023 0.997
Business Density
   Restaurants and Other Eating Places (#7225) - - -
   Full-Service Restaurants (#722511) 1,766 5,851 10,587
   Limited-Service Restaurants (#722513) 425 1,878 3,320
   Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets (#722514) - - -
   Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars (#722515) 504 1,756 3,084

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