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Perkins Restaurant & Bakery is located in Drexel Hill, PA. Driving Directions

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Restaurants in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026 can offer different services. Call ahead to verify that the service is currently available.

American Food

Restaurants serving classic American dishes, including burgers, steaks, sandwiches, and regional specialties from different parts of the United States.


Shops specialized in the production and sale of baked goods, including bread, pastries, cakes, and other sweet treats.


Places that offer a range of non-alcoholic beverages, including soft drinks, juices, smoothies, and specialty drinks.


Restaurants or cafes that specialize in serving breakfast dishes, including classics like eggs, bacon, pancakes, and pastries.


Restaurants or cafes that serve a combination of breakfast and lunch dishes, typically enjoyed during late morning or early afternoon.

1-3-5 Mile Ring Radius Report for Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania

Plotr's restaurant industry ring-radius report for Perkins Restaurant & Bakery provides restaurant location analytics and data insights using current population demographics, income & economic indicators, consumer spending, and other KPIs to support data-based investments. Reliable and trusted, this recent data is aggregated, combined, and forecasted within a 1, 3, and 5 mile radius of the restaurant site. Use this report for site selection, pricing, or other key investment decisions. About our methodology.

  1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile
Population 48,955 308,731 654,817
... 5 Year Forecast 49,827 ⬆︎ 1.8% 312,946 ⬆︎ 1.3% 669,059 ⬆︎ 2.1%
... 10 Year Forecast 50,979 ⬆︎ 4.0% 319,398 ⬆︎ 3.3% 685,556 ⬆︎ 4.5%
Household Income, Average $ 98,705 $ 87,660 $ 93,630
... 5 Year Forecast $ 110,172 ⬆︎ 10.4% $ 98,694 ⬆︎ 11.2% $ 105,634 ⬆︎ 11.4%
HHI by Households
   Under 10,000 723 9,480 22,294
   10,000 to 14,999 677 5,306 11,871
   15,000 to 19,999 417 3,923 9,435
   20,000 to 24,999 637 5,199 10,974
   25,000 to 29,999 656 5,281 11,067
   30,000 to 34,999 958 5,086 10,786
   35,000 to 39,999 583 5,290 10,903
   40,000 to 44,999 861 5,379 10,411
   45,000 to 49,999 829 4,658 8,956
   50,000 to 54,999 698 4,629 8,712
   55,000 to 59,999 625 4,020 8,120
   60,000 to 64,999 651 3,969 8,053
   65,000 to 69,999 553 3,452 7,193
   70,000 to 74,999 519 3,154 6,549
   75,000 to 79,999 571 3,071 6,229
   80,000 to 84,999 576 3,088 6,238
   85,000 to 89,999 539 2,842 5,775
   90,000 to 94,999 484 2,639 5,324
   95,000 to 99,999 423 2,268 4,681
   100,000 to 124,999 1,792 10,218 21,060
   125,000 to 149,999 1,143 7,056 14,174
   150,000 to 174,999 1,156 5,765 11,477
   175,000 to 199,999 875 4,668 9,393
   200,000 to 249,999 756 4,284 11,235
   250,000 to 499,999 324 1,816 4,790
   Over 500,000 268 1,532 4,016
   Asian 4,326 17,227 39,475
   Black 12,268 136,864 282,103
   Hispanic 2,137 10,089 22,253
   White 28,739 136,360 292,460
   Other 1,485 8,191 18,526
Education Attainment
   High school 8,617 62,637 126,273
   Some college 5,678 40,918 79,638
   College - Associates 2,911 16,064 30,060
   College - Professional 644 5,181 14,146
   College - Bachelors 8,907 42,930 87,945
   College - Masters 3,519 21,396 46,735
   College - Doctorate 516 3,780 11,718
Weekly Per Capita Expenditures, Household
   Dining out at restaurants, cafeterias, drive-ins, etc (exl. alcohol) 17.954 17.532 17.522
   Alcoholic Beverages at restaurants, cafeterias, drive-ins, etc 0.773 0.751 0.754
Business Density
   Restaurants and Other Eating Places (#7225) - - -
   Full-Service Restaurants (#722511) 48 341 1,061
   Limited-Service Restaurants (#722513) 14 100 352
   Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets (#722514) - - -
   Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars (#722515) 18 79 250

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